Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing 8

I think that RSS feeds can be overwhelming. I believe that the key is choosing wisely -otherwise it is just another way to deal with information overload. The concept is great - however I tend to collect too many favorite sites and then don't have time to read them.

In my personal life, I like the fact that the iGoogle page allows you to access your favorite sites - all in one place. The bundles they set up were great.

As far as professional life, I did manage to set up a folder called Library Stuff - and choose two recommended sites that would be helpful to me: Joyce Valenza's never ending story and also YALSA.

I do not wish to make my reader list public.

1 comment:

LauraAnn said...

Louise, I too felt overwhelmed by the RSS feeds -- too much information, little of it truly valuable.

Maybe I don't know which sites to feed from... I don't want to read gossip, junk, etc...

The Igoogle page is cool, and it keeps getting better. Some of the later "things" ask you to visit google again...